Popular and Important Festivals in Ethiopia
In Ethiopia, Christmas is called “Ledet” or “Genna” which comes from the word Gennana meaning imminent about the coming of the Lord as well as the freeing of mankind from sin.
Omo Valley Sites in Ethiopia
The striking town, conveniently located amidst green hills offers grand views over the rift valley lakes of Chamo and Abaya. Being one of the most striking cities…
Danakil Depression Ethiopia
Located in the Danakil Depression in a remote area subject to the highest average temperatures on the planet, it is one of the most amazing sites to be seen on the planet.
Top Things To Do When In Bahir Dar
Ethiopia is Africa’s most populous land locked country and Africa’s second most populous nation, second only to Nigeria.
Ethiopia is not a Safari Destination: Here’s What to Expect in your visit
Ethiopia is Africa’s most populous land locked country and Africa’s second most populous nation, second only to Nigeria.